A Guided Reflection to Spiritual Growth and Renewal

The first step in spiritual renewal requires reflection, and this month-long journaling experience will motivate you down that path, deepening your faith and spiritual life in the process. This free guide provides you 4 weeks of daily (4 times per week) brief meditations to inspire you to reflect on specific areas of your spiritual life such as: vision, renewal, witness and mentorship.

About Robin Jennings


Personal growth is something we all seek, but spiritual renewal is something our souls yearn for, whether we know it or not. Robin, a gifted storyteller, sought-after professional speaker, knowledgeable teacher and author on the importance of spiritual growth and renewal in everyday life, empowers others with the Biblical guidance needed for deep personal reflection.

Take the leap, and embark upon a life focused on renewal – both personally and spiritually. Robin will empower you to transform from within.

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