In The Beginning…

A good story starts with the beginning. The first book in the Bible is our beginning. The book of Genesis tells of creation.  The Genesis story does not begin with us as lead characters. Rather the earth is formed and shaped with darkness and then light. Fire accompanied light and water bringing into being oceans, … Read more

What are you worth?

I have already written to you about how much a thirty second advertisement will cost for this years’ Super bowl. Seven million dollars. I also wrote about the price of Super Bowl tickets anywhere from $6,500 to $57.000. Take your pick. As a preacher, all of this is out of my league, but the question … Read more

On Becoming a Living Soul

Loss grabs us all. It is universal and breaks into all our lives at some time, or some place. Although loss and the accompanying dynamic of grief strikes us all, it is not the same for each person.  Bereavement, injury, and untold damage, is not for everyone. It is unique, personal, and consider it a … Read more

A Star

Epiphany is a wonderful time in the church year. It naturally fits with our calendar announcing a new year, except the difference is in the church—we begin a New Life. It starts with the wisemen. They are the ones who embody wisdom. They said, “we have observed his star” (Matthew 2:2) and decide to follow … Read more

Away in a Manger

The grandkids never get tired of playing with the figures in the Creche. We tell the story. We sing the Christmas carol, “Away in a Manger.” They get it. They are not alone. St. Francis of Assisi loved the story. His life was changed because of it. He wanted others to share and join and … Read more

Welcome Advent

Each year, Advent rolls around like clock-work. It begins a new liturgical year. There is more to it. The season opens our hearts and souls. It gets personal but it is not private. Advent is an opportune time when God says, “Behold, I will do a new thing.” (Isaiah 43:19 KJV). Advent is kairos time … Read more

A Tenth Anniversary Edition

Under the Vatican, hidden far below the high altar of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, one of the most sacred spots in all of Christendom can be found. Although it is removed from the lines of most tourists where cameras are strictly forbidden, in the dark, claustrophobic setting of this sacred space, a few visitors … Read more

The Company of Saints

The idea of saints being essential to Christianity may be an obstacle for some and simply unnecessary for others. For those who find this dimension foreign, it is important to begin by considering the saints by developing a relationship with these holy men and women by acquainting ourselves with their witness. Unfortunately, in our technical … Read more

Melrose Abbey and Breaking Bread

When on pilgrimage in Scotland, we were able to spend time touring the massive Durham Cathedral and pray at the tomb of St. Cuthbert and then at the opposite end of the nave we prayed at the tomb of the historian St. Bede. It was not about death and dying. Rather, we were surrounded by … Read more

A Pilgrimage in Celtic Christianity

Twenty-one of us recently ventured off to Scotland and into the northern region of England. Our plan was not to play golf nor did we desire to be entertained as tourists. Trust me, this was not a vacation or a time to window shop. We were on a 10-day pilgrimage with a common focus on … Read more